
Insert Your Apathy Here

Âge 40 De Toledo, Ohio En ligne Il y a plus de 2 semaines

Femme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base Parlez-nous un peu de vous.
  • Je sais parler Anglais
  • Je me décrirais comme I have started to despise these narratives, expecting to describe oneself in less than or more than so many characters.Eh... Who wants to read that much? I find it despicable to believe that we take so much stock into who we think we are, by what we do, what we wear, who we listen to, or what we watch. This society in general sickens me.
    Oh right, to talk about myself... yeah...
    A few details. I'm a writer, musician(lapsed), and artist. I have random patterns as for how I work. As far as a real job, I'm a dental assistant/receptionist, however I am unemployed and the economy is about to completely collapse. Good luck if you're looking for a job, you'll probably have as much luck as I am. I am looking for interesting people to hang out, or chat with. Location doesn't matter. I would prefer that you at least be over 21, but not a requirement, as long as you are of a mature nature. I love music & movies, much of it. I like politics, driving, tai chi, yoga, UFC, Karaoke, self improvement in general. I'm somewhat educated and cultured for the arts. I would view myself as intelligent, honest, and forthcoming. I tend to be brutally honest most times, and that can tend to pose a problem, given it intimidates others. I enjoy dark/black humor. I see things for how they are, and sometimes for what they can be. Sarcasm is frequent in my words. I tend to put out things that people take offense to, even when I don't mean to. It seems I either tend to challenge or threaten others, by their perception. My intentions are never to do that. I'm just a weird person and people have a hard time relating with my personality as well as my points of view. I'm often viewed as 'weird' by others, but I'm okay with that. I am a hesitant leader, yet strong willed, and will step up if the occasion calls for it. I am misanthropic at times, but I am tolerant of people, depending on who those people are. I am slow when it comes to trusting, but the time is worth it, for I am loyal and worthy as a friend. I am not really gothic, just your average Pollock.:::chuckle:::
    Alright! So there we go, I am tired of all this 'I' and 'me' crap!!!
    So, thanks for reading, and this is me; take it or leave it. ;)
  • Signe Taureau
Apparence & situation Comment êtes-vous? Décrivez votre apparence.
  • Ma silhouette est Avec des formes
  • Ma taille est 5' 5 (1.65 m)
  • Mes yeux sont Marrons
  • Mon origine ethnique est Caucasienne
  • J'ai des enfants Oui - chez moi
  • Je veux des enfants Oui
  • Ce que j'ai de mieux Yeux
  • Art Corporel Cicatrices, Tatouages visibles
  • Mes cheveux sont Marrons
  • Prêt(e) à vivre ailleurs Non
Statut Que faites-vous dans la vie?
  • Mon niveau d'éducation est Etudes secondaires incomplètes
  • Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est Au foyer
  • Mon domaine de compétence est Art / Musique / Littérature
  • Mon titre de fonction est Stay at home mother.
  • J'ai gagné cette année De 30,000 € à 44,999 €
  • Je vis En colocation
  • Chez moi Le silence règne
  • Je fume Non
  • Je bois de l'alcool Oui - socialement
Personnalité Comment vous comportez-vous? Quels sont vos goûts?
  • Au lycée, j'étais un/e Mal-aimé/e
  • Socialement, je suis plutôt Antisocial, Comique, Séducteur, Sympa, Bruyant, Observateur, Ouvert, Réservé, Timide, Bizarre, Impulsif
  • Mes passions et loisirs sont Art & artisanat, Camper, Voitures, Fêtes, Ordinateurs, Cuisine, Dîner , Faire de l'exercice, Famille, Pêche / Chasse, Internet, Jeux, Jardinage, Apprendre, Films, Musique, Photographie, Jeux de cartes, Lecture, Religion/Spiritualité, Théâtre, Voyages, Télévision, Bénévolat
  • Un bon moment pour moi c'est Sorties en boîte / tour des bars, Boire un coup, Sports extrêmes, Sortir avec des amis, Aller à un concert, Aller au musée, Faire la fête, Jouer aux jeux vidéos, Lire, Me relaxer, Dormir, Rester à la maison, Regarder un bon film, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Télévision
  • Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait Does it have to be called a date? Maybe meet at Big Boy's or a coffee house. Sit and talk. Feel each other out, then decide together what sounds like a good idea.
    I wouldn't mind trying something new though... I'm just... not sure what, other than the idea of being treated the way I want to and deserve to be treated. That's not as easy as one would think.
  • J'ai toujours voulu essayer Putting my fist in someone's mouth.
    haha. ahaha. Okay seriously... to answer that question... I'd like to try a native American ritual of a sweat box.
  • Mes amis me décrivent comme Sympa, Cool, Obscur/e, Neuneu, Un amour
Points de vue sur la vie Vos valeurs et points de vues.
  • Ma religion c'est Croyances spirituelles mais pas religieuses
  • Je vais à la messe Une fois par mois
  • Mon but dans la vie c'est It's good to have goals, sure... But I have many, and attempting to describe them in less than 1000 characters would be impossible.
  • Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt Intelligent, Sarcastique, Sympa, Neuneu, Obscur/e, Coquin/e, Sadique
Goûts Qu'est-ce que vous aimez?
  • A la télévision, je regarde Actualités, Dessins animés, Documentaires, Sitcoms, Films
  • Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours Action, Science-fiction, Comédies, Drames, Documentaires, Animation, Horreur, Thrillers
  • Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est Musique ambientale, Blues, Classique, Country, Dance, Electro, Folk, Gospel, Indus, Jazz, Latino, Metal, New age, Pop, Punk, Reggae, Rap, Rock, Soul, Le bruit de l'aspirateur, Je suis musicien/ne
  • Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est Autobiographies, Biographies, Littérature classique, Bandes-dessinées / Romans graphiques, Fantaisie, Fictions, Santé, Histoire, Horreur, Humour, Programmes instructifs, Musique, Actualités, Philosophie, Poésie, Politique, Œuvres de référence, Religions, Sciences, Je suis auteur
  • Mon idée du fun Right now... My idea of fun would be going to a spot on Lake Erie, having a nice fire (building it myself of course) There is a tree large enough on the shore of Lake Erie that you can build a fire within it. It's really wicked looking. I'd definitely bring some food and drink... and spend the evening amongst the waves. There is a coal refinery nearby, along with the remnants of what used to be a campground for kids. I've heard stories about it being haunted, but I always feel peaceful when I go there.
Recherchant un/e Que recherchez-vous chez l'âme sœur?
  • Que trouvez-vous attirant? Audace, Empathie, Séduction, Beauté, Talents, Humour, Intelligence, Etrangeté, Sensibilité, Spontanéité, Délicatesse, Bon sens
  • Que recherchez-vous? Humans, ones who have similar interests... and who have a pulse. um... besides that... I dislike drama or manipulation quite a bit. I like someone who has a strong will, who is not a follower. Someone who is respectful, honest, and encouraging. Besides that, um... I like green eyes. Friendship is good and is really all I'm looking for, given I am engaged to be married this year, and we also have a beautiful baby girl who came into our lives recently.
  • Quel type de relation recherchez-vous? Pote virtuel, Vrai‧e ami‧e

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