Make life take the lemons back

Возраст 35 из Richboro, Pennsylvania Онлайн Более 2 недель назад

Женщина Ищу Мужчину

Базовая информация Расскажите о себе.
  • Говорю на языках: Английский
  • Я бы описал(а) себя как I want to be upfront about the fact that I have aspergers, ptsd, and depression. It sucks. I hate it. But it gives me great material for my terrible humor so at least I got that going for me, which is nice. Unfortunately my issues make me unable to hold a job. In place of that I keep an eye on my parents and do my best to manage my life (such as it is).

    I have 21 tattoos and will likely have more done. They're located on all ten of my fingers, my hands, arms, neck and back. I like the idea of having lip piercings but I'm not sure I could get used to the sensation.

    I guess I'd call myself Agnostic or just spiritual. Not a fan of organized religion. I appreciate the philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism, though.

    I am hot garbage when it comes to punctuality. I'm not late for everything... just a lot of things.

    I'm not much of a drinker because I can't stand the taste of alcohol. I don't smoke because I'm allergic to cigarette smoke and can't tolerate the smell of pot. It makes me vomit, and quite badly at that. I don't care too much if folks smoke, I just can't hang around it.

    My hobbies are mainly writing, drawing, and PC video gaming. I've been trying my hand at painting and my god is it not going well. I'm currently getting back into Elder Scrolls Online and loving it. I play a few other MMOs but mostly I stick to single player games like the Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age and Witcher series. A few others I really enjoy are Night in the Woods, West of Loathing, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Alice Madness Returns, Grim Dawn, Dungeon Keeper 2 and Saints Row The Third.

    I've always wanted to try other things like glass working, sculpting and costume crafting. Sadly I'm more than a little intimidated by them and never actually get around to attempting any.

    Supernatural/monster/suspense/B Horror movies are my jam; Poltergeist, A quiet place, Birdbox, The Witch, IT, The Thing and Killer Klowns from Outer Space, to name just a few.

    I'm particularly fond of heavily tattooed Asian men.
  • Знак зодиака Скорпион
Внешность и семейное положение Каково Ваше положение на настоящий момент? Опишите свою внешность.
  • Телосложение Толстяк/толстушка
  • Мой рост 154 см
  • Мои глаза Карие
  • Моя этническая принадлежность Белый европеец/кавказец , Латино
  • Семейное положение Один/одна
  • У меня есть дети Нет
  • Хочу детей Не знаю
  • Привлекательная часть тела Глаза
  • Боди-арт Пирсинг… ушей, Видимые тату
  • Мои волосы Шатен
  • Домашние животные Кошка
  • Хочу переехать Да
Подробнее о ее
  • Какой Ваш любимый музыкальный жанр? EBM
  • Какая Ваша любимая группа? Too many to choose from
  • Кто Ваш любимый писатель? Don't really have one. I just read whatever looks interesting.
  • Кто Ваш любимый литературный персонаж? Don't have one
  • Какой сайт о готической культуре самый лучший? I'd say that's subjective
Статус Чем Вы занимаетесь?
  • Образование Неоконченное высшее
  • Работа/Учеба: Домохозяйка
  • Род занятий Другое
  • Род занятий Doer of things and stuff
  • Зарабатываю в год Меньше $14,999USD
  • Живу С родителями
  • Дома Все очень спокойно
  • Отношение к курению Нет
  • Пью Да, в компаниях
Характер Как Вы ведете себя? Каковы Ваши предпочтения?
  • В школе я был(а): Отверженный
  • Мое социальное поведение Сдержанное, Наблюдательное, Антисоциальное, Комедийное, Мрачное, Странное
  • Интересы и увлечения: Искусство и поделки, Учеба, Музыка, Фильмы, Интернет, Игры, Танцы, Приготовление еды, Компьютеры
  • Мое представление об отлично проведенном времени Останусь дома, Фильмы, Расслабление, Спать, Игра в переодевания, Видеоигры, Пойду на концерт, Пойду в музей
  • Идеально первое свидание A walk in the park if the weather is nice. A simple cafe or diner if it's shit.
  • Я всегда хотел попробовать Glass work
    Mask making
    Costume making
    Stealing souls
    Bathing in the blood of my enemies
    Ruling the world with an iron fist
  • Друзья считают что я: Нет друзей
Взгляды Убеждения
  • Моя религия Агностик
  • Посещение служб: Никогда
  • Моя цель в жизни Just to have a comfortable life with someone. And just once I would like to visit Okinawa, Japan. I always hear good things about the food.
  • Мой юмор Умный, Сарказм, Немного "того", Со странностями, Фарс, Вульгарный(ая)
Вкусы Что Вам нравится?
  • По телевизору, я всегда смотрю Мультфильмы
  • Предпочитаемые жанры фильмов: Научная фантастика, Ужасы
  • Предпочитаемая музыка Рок, Метал , Электроника , Поп, Классика, Промышленная, Окружающей среды, Танцевальная
  • Я люблю читать: Биография, Фантазия, Юмор
  • Мои идеи классного времяпрепровождения A night of video or board games with take out.

    Attending a convention or concert with a diner stop before going home and passing out.

    Cleaning the house with the music blasting.

    Holiday shopping with the right person.
В поиске Что Вы ищите в своем человеке?
  • Считаю привлекательным: Остроумие, Странности, Чувствительность, Сопереживание, Умения, Юмор, Внимание, Интеллект
  • Что и кого ищете? When it comes to the purely physical, heavily tattooed Asian men tend to catch my eye the most. Japanese musician Miyavi is an excellent example. Also I like a man who is a fair bit taller than me since I am so very short. One of us needs to be able to reach the top shelf at the grocery store and it clearly ain't gonna be me. Style-wise I quite like a modern/urban, casual goth look. Though I'm also rather partial to cyber punk, industrial/rivet head and traditional with a splash or Victorian, carnival and visual kei. As for personality... The most important thing I look for is openness and honesty. I want someone who wants to talk things through when something has upset him, or when he's troubled by something. No matter what it is. Especially if it's something I'm doing or I have done. I would much rather address the issue and handle it accordingly than have my feelings spared a moment of awkwardness. Patience and understanding are also high on the list since I have things I struggle with on a daily basis. Keeping up with every day shit and going to new places is a huge struggle for me. I want someone who can accept that and slow down the pace for me now and then. Being a harrd-core introvert, having someone who is a bit more outgoing than myself would probably do me some good. Though I'd still prefer someone who is more introverted. Traveling and events aren't things I really yearn for so a homebody would fit best. I like a man who is artistically inclined. Whether it's music, drawing, painting, mask making, embroidery, clothing design, etc., so long as there's passion for it I can dig it. A strange, dry and dark sense of humor is what makes me laugh the most. Humor is usually my go to thing in heavy or serious situations so it would be great to have a guy that understands that.
  • Ищу отношения типа: Серьезные отношения

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